Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership

Yerevan Street Lighting

Lead IFI
Street Lighting
E5P Assembly Approval
Grant Signed
Financing (MEUR)
E5P Grant 2.00
IFI Loan 22.60
TC 2.40
Other Grants 8.00
Total 35.00


The proceeds of the loan and grant are used to finance a design supply and installation contract for the project, comprising capital investments to modernise the existing lighting system in the City by introducing new energy efficient LED luminaries, a control and monitoring system, pole replacement and renovation as well as power cable replacement. This will result in better service quality and improved environmental standards due to reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions, minimisation of the operating and maintenance costs and reduction of hazardous waste generated by the present lighting system using mostly mercury based bulbs.


  • CO2 savings
  • Electricity savings
  • Transparent public service contract

The project also has strong gender aspects through inclusion of gender sensitive public participation and consultation, given its contribution to improved safety for both women and men. The project is complemented by a Technical Cooperation package comprising implementation support as well as corporate development support to the Company and the City.