Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership

Lutsk District Heating

Lead IFI
District Heating
E5P Assembly Approval
Grant Signed
Financing (MEUR)
E5P Grant 4.40
IFI Loan 10.00
Local Contribution 2.00
TC 1.00
Total 17.40


The objective of the project is to reduce energy consumption in residential buildings through implementation of demand side measures, improve the reliability of quality of district heating services for the population, improve sustainability of the DH utility’s operations through energy efficient investments and operational improvements, and achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. .

The Project will directly benefit 30,000 residential customers or 20 per cent of the City population connected to the district heating system, and will have a significant demonstration effect in the region serving as an example of the introduction of innovative energy efficiency solutions with high environmental benefits.

The E5P grant would finance installation of IHSs in residential and public buildings.


  • Reduced utilisation of natural gas by improved energy efficiency and reduced losses
  • Reduced utilisation of water
  • Reduced power consumption
  • CO2 savings
  • Full cost recovery tariff and phasing out of cross-subsidisation
  • Transparency in tariff setting and investment program approval
  • Consumption based metering and billing roll out
  • Transparent public service contract
  • Monetisation reform in the system of subsidies