Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership

Повышение энергоэффективности общественных зданий (ЭСКО)

Lead IFI
E5P Assembly Approval
Grant Signed
Not Signed Yet
Financing (MEUR)
Total 0.00


The Pilot Project will ensure optimal use of an E5P Investment Grant at local level by providing support and capacity development to the public actors:

  • Technical preparation of projects: to assist public building owners (City and national level) to identify buildings for EnPC energy efficiency measures; analyse the commercially feasible energy saving potential; identify necessary energy efficiency investments and assess anticipated energy savings.
  • Preparation of Contract and Tender documents: drafting of model EnPC contract and templates for public tendering; drafting of detailed guidelines for tender procedure.
  • On-going Implementation Support: supporting the City in the implementation and monitoring of the EnPC energy efficiency projects.
  • Regulatory Development through Policy Dialogue: support the city and engage with the central government in order to recommend appropriate regulations to facilitate broader and more flexible use of EnPC in the public sector in Ukraine.


  • CO2 savings

The established Policy Dialogue intends to create an enabling legislative framework that makes the use of ESCOs/EnPC fully flexible and admissible in a more clear way. The policy dialogue refers primarily to clarifications via secondary legislation and ideally through a formally approved (secondary legislation) manual for the procurement and implementation of EnPC projects. Implementing the following recommendations (subject to a detailed legal due diligence) would allow a flexible use of EnPC and facilitate ESCO/EnPC market development in Ukraine.