Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership

Реконструкция ВКХ Николаева

Lead IFI
E5P Assembly Approval
Grant Signed
Not Signed Yet
Financing (MEUR)
Total 0.00


The grant is targeted to purchase, install, and ensure the proper use of assets facilitating the immediate energy savings and the achievement of long term sustainability of the investment. There are the following components of this project:

Drinking Water:

  • Supply and distribution systems and northern booster stations and reservoirs
  • Rehabilitation of a raw water pumping station at Dnipro River /Booster Pumping Station
  • Rehabilitation and upgrade of the existing drinking water treatment plant
  • Water distribution network
  • Extension of the water supply network to the right side of the Southern Bug River


  • Rehabilitation of the wastewater collection network
  • Waste water pumping stations
  • Rehabilitation of the existing wastewater treatment plant within the existing design capacity


  • Substantial reduction of energy consumption and consequent CO2 emission.
  • Promotion of a more sustainable use of water resources with improvements in the infrastructure to reduce losses and introduction of better metering and billing procedures to encourage more efficient use of water.
  • Elimination of the contamination of soil and water bodies by chemical and oil spillage at treatment plant, by wastewater escape at broken sewers sites, by illegal discharge to water bodies to avoid high pumping costs, and by wastewater overflow at treatment units and pumping stations.
  • Improvement of Wastewater Treatment Plant efficiency through the reduction of sewerage dilution in the sewers network, presently caused by infiltration in the cracked sewers of storm or drinking water.
  • Elimination of sewer lines gas generation and bad smell emanation in the surrounding area caused by wastewater stagnation in the sewers. Through installation of frequency converters at the oversized sewerage pumping stations in the city, a continuous flow of the sewerage towards the treatment plant will be provided.
  • Through automation and modernisation, considerable reduction of the risks to health of operation workers at wastewater treatment plant in association with exposure to pathogenic micro-organisms present in the wastewater, sludge and other wastes generated at the plant.