Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership

Energy Efficiency in Tbilisi Schools

Lead IFI
Energy Efficiency
E5P Assembly Approval
Grant Signed
Not Signed Yet
Financing (MEUR)
E5P Grant 7.00
IFI Loan 27.00
Local Contribution 7.00
TC 1.36
Total 42.36


The main objectives of the project are to (i) improve safety and the learning environment for schoolchildren, and (ii) achieve a significant improvement in the energy efficiency in terms of reduction of running costs. This would be achieved through the rehabilitation of public schools in Tbilisi and introduction of energy efficiency in the education sector infrastructure. The lessons learned, in particular those relating to energy efficiency would be used in other public buildings in Tbilisi and throughout the country; the project will focus on approximately 25 public primary and secondary schools.

The project aims to achieve significant increases in energy efficiency (minimum 40% increase in energy efficiency targeted) through the implementation of specific, high impact, low maintenance energy efficient improvement measures as part of a wider school building refurbishment project which includes seismic retrofitting works to appropriate standards.


  • CO2 savings
  • Electricity savings

At least 15 000 schoolchildren will benefit directly from the project including around 300 schoolchildren with hearing and/or speech impairment and development disorders. Approximately 25 public schools will receive comprehensive refurbishment; improvements to energy efficiency; and structural repair work, plus any necessary-seismic retrofitting of structural elements.

Due to expected high visibility, this project is expected to also have a demonstration effect on other public services and ministries.