Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership

Инициатива северных стран по повышению энергоэффективности и гуманитарной поддержке – программа СИУ

Lead IFI
E5P Assembly Approval
Grant Signed
Not Signed Yet
Financing (MEUR)
Total 0.00


The overall objective of the project is to mobilise E5P and donors funds into quick implementation of energy saving measures within social infrastructure in Ukrainian municipalities. The NIU programme is directed towards the affected and vulnerable areas of South and East Ukraine, with additional emphasis on internally displaced persons, whereas the ESC programme covers all remaining areas of Ukraine.

Emphasis will be made on social infrastructure and typical objects are schools, kindergartens and health services facilities and investments would typically include replacement of windows and doors, insulation of walls and ceilings, repair or conversion of heating systems, retrofit of boilers to allow use of available biomass etc. Including necessary repair or improvement of housing in particularly affected areas could contribute to displaced persons returning to their home areas.


  • CO2 savings
  • Electricity savings